Reef Octopus Fishing and Farming Guide

Find the best places to farm Reef Octopus around Pandaria and more

Reef Octopus Fishing Swarms

Around the coasts of Pandaria, you will find Reef Octopus. Here is how we rank each of the fishable regions of Pandaria for Reef Octopus:

  1. Valley of the Four Winds
  2. The Jade Forest
  3. Dread Wastes
  4. Kun-Lai Summit
  5. Darkmoon Island
  6. Townlong Steppes
  7. Isle of Thunder
  8. Valley of the Four Winds
  9. Isle of Giants

Farming Reef Octopus

Reef Octopus and Giant Mantis Shrimp share the same spawn points. This is a good and bad thing. The good thing is while you are farming Reef Octopus, you can also farm Giant Mantis Shrimp. The downside is they share the same spawn points. In the event you are seeing more of the one you don't want, you may need to fish the type you don't want but is available so the other will spawn. Check out the Krasarang Paddlefish Guide too.

Start around the Cradle of Chi-Ji and head southwest towards 28, 66 and begin looping through the 3 islands between Domination Point and the Cradle of Chi-Ji. As stated above, while you are farming Reef Octopus, you will come across lots of Giant Mantis Shrimp. We assume you will need those too so go ahead and fish those as well. Between the southern island of Nayeli Lagoon and Cradle of Chi-Ji you will also find swarms of Reef Octopus. South east of The Incursion also has a few pools.

You won't find many Reef Octopus pools around the Jade Forest. You could start around Zhu's Watch in Krasarang Wild and head due southeast towards the Horde Outpost south of Paw'Don Village. Start around 42,92 and travel around the southern tip of the Jade Forest. You will notice some of the flightpath takes you out into the Uncharted Sea.

East of Rikkitun Village in the northeastern most part of Dread Wastes you will also find a minimal amount of Reef Octopus. It takes a bit of time to travel between the pools making it the least attractive spot.

Reef Octopus Recipes

The following recipes require Reef Octopus

  • Valley Stir Fry
  • Banquet of the Pot
  • Great Banquest of the Pot

Reef Octopus Vendors

The following vendors also sell Reef Octopus.

  • Nam Ironpaw at Halfhill in Valley of the Four Winds

Reef Octopus Game Item Details

Quality Common
Item Level 1
Required Level None
Item Class Cooking
Inventory Type Non-equippable
Is Stackable? Yes
Sell Price 0 gold 25 Silver 0 copper